Thursday 14 November 2019

Adding Detail

I was learning to add details to my ideas I can write more then one idea related to the topic.It was easy because I was learning to add details like when I add this ice cream and also write the details  and I had alot of ideas in my mind. thats whats easy.

EPS Values

I was learning to describe what each EPS values mean. I can describe what Respect resilience and responsibility means. It was easy beacuse everyone knows the values and we 
have all of them. We have to show the EPS values because we cant be 
a bully and you cant say bad words to other people because its rude and makes
you cry sometime. Or maybe you cant not just stand up for your self or maybe 
lots or rude people keep on laughing at you but I had learn this from a nice good 
girl she said if nobody stands up for  you you have to stand up for  your self thats what
she said and this all I learn from her that is all.

Art Exhibition

It was really hard doing the art in one day. It was very tricky too draw the kiwi. It looks very colourful and beautiful.  My favourite part was dying the Kiwi because of the colours we used.

Persuasive Writing

I was learning to write a piece of writing. I can give you a reason why I  agree or disagree with as topic. It was easy to come up with lots of reasons why chocolate is better than lollies.

Monday 23 September 2019

Narrative Writing

I was learning to write a narrative piece of writing. I can talk about the characters, setting and the plot. It was easy because the pictures gave me ideas on what to write about.

Thursday 19 September 2019


I was learning to identify geometric shapes. I can identify 2D and 3D shapes. It was easy because we did this lots of times even in year 2 that's when we first time we learned it we did it in class too. We learn other shapes too. Its very nice learning 3D and 2D shapes

Poem Recitation

I was learning to present a poem in front of an audience. I can 
project  my voice so that everyone can hear me. I can
remember  my poem off my heart.  I can 
speak in a clear voice so 
everyone can hear 
I felt shy while saying my poem because  everyone was looking at me  and my heart  was going fast and I said in a shy voice it was so scary of saying it . When I finished everyone clapped I smiled and  I sat down waiting for next guy or girl I felt very happy after saying my poem I was proud of myself.

Tuesday 10 September 2019


I was learning to compare and contrast different volcanoes.  I can talk about shapes of volcanoes. I can describe what it looks like. I can talk about the lava flow of the eruption.
It was easy because we learned about volcanoes at school and on the trip.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

skip counting

I was learning to skip count.
I can  skip count in 10's
It was easy because I practice with my brother.

Friday 7 June 2019

Writing Instructions

I was learning to writing instructions. I can use a variety of verbs in my instructions.I can put my
instructions in the right order. It was easy because my old writing like two years ago and i rember every thing.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Schools Then and Now

I was learning to compare and contrast what school were like in the past to what they are like now.
Now I know the girls always go first like in class or if your going home but only in the 1800's
it was easy because the trip help us  do like play out game or  make butter but most of all look for old things.

Monday 27 May 2019

Te Reo Maori feeling

I was learning to identify maori words for our feelings.
now i can describe how i am feeling in Te Reo maori.
It was easy because
 it was the part that i put the words and shapes togather at the same place.

Monday 6 May 2019


Did you know? 
New Zealand and Australia  rowed on a boat,  they took five days to get there,  they got harden food to eat. When they were about to leave the families gave them ANZAC cookies, When they were in turkey they did not land on a beach they land on cliffs.

Monday 1 April 2019


I  love  swimming  because  when  you  go  inside  it  is  very  cold  and  you  get  to   splash   around. My  favourite   activity  is  taking a picture  in  the  pool  because   we  look  like  a  family.  I like  free time   because  I  like   diving  like  in  my   friends.

Thursday 28 February 2019


Welcome  to  my  Year 3  learning  blog  I  am  in  Room  17  my  teacher  is  Miss  Armiger .