Monday 23 September 2019

Narrative Writing

I was learning to write a narrative piece of writing. I can talk about the characters, setting and the plot. It was easy because the pictures gave me ideas on what to write about.

Thursday 19 September 2019


I was learning to identify geometric shapes. I can identify 2D and 3D shapes. It was easy because we did this lots of times even in year 2 that's when we first time we learned it we did it in class too. We learn other shapes too. Its very nice learning 3D and 2D shapes

Poem Recitation

I was learning to present a poem in front of an audience. I can 
project  my voice so that everyone can hear me. I can
remember  my poem off my heart.  I can 
speak in a clear voice so 
everyone can hear 
I felt shy while saying my poem because  everyone was looking at me  and my heart  was going fast and I said in a shy voice it was so scary of saying it . When I finished everyone clapped I smiled and  I sat down waiting for next guy or girl I felt very happy after saying my poem I was proud of myself.

Tuesday 10 September 2019


I was learning to compare and contrast different volcanoes.  I can talk about shapes of volcanoes. I can describe what it looks like. I can talk about the lava flow of the eruption.
It was easy because we learned about volcanoes at school and on the trip.